The Velveteen Rabbit (2009)
Plot:Toby Morgan is a young boy, but feels the loneliness of his strict grandmother and increasingly distant father. His discovery of the “magic attic” offers a safehaven where he finds a stuffed rabbit his mom (Seymour) left him before she passed-away. His tears transform the rabbit into a playful animated Rabbit and his amazing animated adventures begin. Rabbit’s one wish is become a real rabbit someday, and Toby’s wish is to have a happy, supportive family again. Through lessons learned with the help of a Swan (Burstyn) and Horse (Skerritt), and the transforming power of love, both wishes come true.
Genre: Family
IMDB rating: 5.5/10 ( 79 votes)
Directed by: Michael Landon Jr.
Starring: Jane Seymour, Tom Skerritt, Ellen Burstyn, Steven Crowder
Release Name: The.Velveteen.Rabbit.2009.DVDRip.XviD-EPiSODE
Size: 707.24 mb
Quality: 576 x 320, English AC3 448 kbp/s
Runtime: 88 minutes
Filename: esd-tvlr
Links: IMDB, NFO, Trailer